The diamonds come from a kingdom of India called Mutfily. After the rainy season, the water from the mountains carries them away into deep valleys. In these humid and warm places, poisonous snakes swarm and their terrible presence protects this fabulous treasure. The men, full of lust, throw pieces of meat on the ground, diamonds stick to them and white eagles throw themselves on these baits. The great birds of prey are captured and killed, the meat and its diamonds unhooked from their talons or taken out of their stomachs. This stone plays a very important role in litotherapy thanks to its many virtues.
Diamond Mineralogical Characteristics
Diamond is a native element like gold or silver. Only one element enters its formation: carbon. It is classified as a native non-metal along with graphite (also composed of carbon but with a different structure) and sulphur.
It is found in rocks and alluvial sands. Its rocky sources are lamproïte and especially kimberlite. This rare volcanic rock, also called “blue earth”, was formed during the late Cretaceous era. It owes its name to the town of Kimberley in South Africa. Very rich in mica and chromium, it can also contain, among other things, garnets and serpentines.
Diamonds form in the upper mantle of the earth at a very great depth of at least 150 km. They remain there for millions of years before being violently ejected by the chimneys, called pipes or diatremes, of the dreaded kimberlite volcanoes. The last such rapid eruptions date back 60 million years.
The diamonds in the alluvium are transported by water, without alteration due to their hardness, over considerable distances. They can be found in the mouths of rivers and on the seabed.
A slow and regular growth of carbon atoms favours well-formed crystals, most often octahedral (the central atom plus 6 others in points form 8 faces). Shapes with 8 or 12 points are sometimes found. There are also irregular forms, called granuloforms, the exceptional large crystals of more than 300 carats are almost always of this type. Most diamonds do not exceed 10 carats.
If you are looking for a diamond, click on www.minerals-kingdom.com.
Diamond brittleness and hardness
Diamond has a hardness of 10 according to the Mohs Scratch Test Hardness Scale. Diamond has no effect in contact with common chemicals. It is another way of knowing the resistance of a stone. Heated to red, the diamond can burn and turn milky white. The diamond can’t be dissolved by acid. Concerning brittleness, a stone is more fragile if it is hard.
Diamond is the hardest mineral on earth. The German mineralogist Frederic Mohs took it as a reference when he established his mineral hardness scale in 1812. He ranked it 10th out of 10. A diamond scratches glass and quartz but can only be scratched by another diamond.
Diamond is hard but naturally brittle. Its cleavage, the arrangement of the layers of its molecules, is regular. It favours a clear break in certain angles. The cutter, or more precisely the clipper, observes and exploits this phenomenon. Sometimes, the volcanic eruption that gave birth to the diamond violently causes a very smooth separation and thus achieves a natural cleavage.
The diamond is usually coated with a greyish crust often called “cascalho” (gravel in Portuguese). Once this gangue is removed, the cut reveals all the clarity and brilliance of the stone. It is a delicate art and a work of patience. The diamond dealer must often choose between a simple cut that preserves the weight of the rough diamond and a very elaborate cut that can remove two-thirds of the original stone. There are a large number of size shapes, named and coded. The most popular cut at the moment is the “brilliant round” where the light plays wonderfully in the 57 facets of the diamond.
Diamond and tourmaline
You can wear natural stone jewelry combined with diamond.
Of all the tourmalines, the most famous is black tourmaline. However, the other coloured tourmalines are not to be neglected for their virtues, such as pink tourmaline for its softness, blue tourmaline, green tourmaline, watermelon…
The black tourmaline is the most powerful of the mineral world to absorb in our place the harmful waves for the human being. To pose in its place of life, the black tourmaline accompanied by a pink quartz. The black tourmaline will absorb the waves emitted by all the electronic devices, but also it will regenerate our house, while protecting it. The black tourmaline is a fabulous stone to wear on oneself, in the pocket (not too small 2/3 cm) or as a pendant.
This stone has a powerful radiance, it forms a protective screen around us, to protect us from negative thoughts of others. The black tourmaline restores in us, if it is needed, our positive aspect, and fights against destructive thoughts. This stone clarifies the mind and gives the courage to undertake.
Pink tourmaline (rubellite) stimulates the desire to love. It makes it possible to accept “one’s half” as it is without wanting to change it at all costs. Pink tourmaline develops the notion of solidarity.
The watermelon tourmaline opens us up to the outside world and leads us to better understand ourselves.
Diamond and amazonite
You can combine diamond with amazonite, you will have natural stone jewellery. Many people like to use amazonite because it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as a necklace, earrings, bracelet and rings. Because of the rarity of this stone, it is often an investment for some people.
What is the advantage of using an amazonite ring? There are many advantages to using this stone in your engagement ring. One of the most important is that you can have a real diamond on your finger without compromising the appearance of your engagement ring.
There are many qualities of amazonite that will make it different from other diamonds. It has an increased brilliance that makes it more dazzling than other diamonds. In addition, this stone is considered harder than other diamonds and it is also stronger than carbide diamonds.
Another advantage that you can get from this stone is that it has little color and requires less polishing than other stones. However, the shape of the stone can also change because it is constantly being shaped. Thanks to it, you can also enjoy a larger size and a flawless brilliance that will make your ring look like a real diamond.
Amazonite helps to relieve muscle cramps; in this case pass the stone vigorously over the painful area. On the physical level, this stone allows to regain vitality after a period of convalescence. It is a stone of protection par excellence to wear as a pendant it protects us from the negative thoughts of others. Amazonite is a stone of chance one can also associate it with turquoise.
One of the advantages of amazonite is that you can use it for almost anything a diamond can be used for. You can use amethyst for accents, such as on the edges of your fingers or necklaces. You can use amazonite as an accent for your earrings, a necklace, or even an engagement ring.
With this stone you can create a unique look for yourself, something that will reflect your individuality. The uses of this stone are multiple, making it a real treasure. For example, if you are going to wear a more colourful piece of jewellery, you might consider wearing an amethyst ring instead of a coloured ring, as amethyst comes in shades of blue, purple, red and pink. The use of amazonite for an accent is much more versatile, as it will give you a dramatic look.
Diamond and crystals
Crystals are the natural stones most used in litho therapy.
We could devote an entire book to the benefits of the Rock Crystal, but if we have to sum up in two words the virtues of this stone, the Rock Crystal is the stone of well-being. The Rock Crystal allows us to find the balance that the human being is looking for; Balances our emotions, calms the mind, keeps us in good physical and moral health. It is often called the “Prince of Minerals” but only this stone can help us to find a state of well-being and harmony. It’s up to us to let our feelings guide us in choosing our crystals.
Its harmonizing, healing and amplifying powers have been known since ancient times, and its physical properties, especially piezoelectric, make it a component of choice for our most modern technologies.
From a mineralogical point of view, rock crystal is a mineral species of the silicate group, subgroup of tectosilicates, composed of silicon dioxide. Its crystal system is trigonal or rhombohedral. It is the most common mineral on Earth and represents 12% of the total mass of the lithosphere. It is found all over the planet, but its main commercial deposits are in Brazil.
The difference between diamond and quartz lies in their respective compositions: the chemical formula of diamond is C and it is composed of carbon atoms; the chemical formula of quartz is SiO2, so it is composed of silicon and oxygen.
In addition to the fact that diamond is much harder than quartz, the price of natural diamond is very high because of its rarity.